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What Does Asbestos Look and Smell Like?

Asbestos is a mineral that was once commonly used in building materials such as insulation, roofing shingles and floor tiles. This means that there is a good chance your house may contain some form of asbestos if it was built before 1999. However, asbestos is very difficult to identify, especially if you have no idea what you are looking for. In this article, HSE Docs will show you how to identify the different types of asbestos and find out whether it has an odour.

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What Rule Should You Follow For Effective Stock Rotation?

What rule should you follow for effective stock rotation? When it comes to effective stock rotation, there are two main rules. The first-in, first out (FIFO) method involves selling the products that arrive first in your store. The first-expired, first-out (FEFO) approach is used to manage perishable products or those with a specific expiry date. The rule you follow will depend on the types of products you are selling.

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Essentials Of Food Hygiene

10 Rules You Must Follow Whether you are a baker selling cupcakes from home, a restaurant chain, or you own a food van, you must follow strict food hygiene rules when running your business. But what do these include? Our health and safety experts have outlined the essentials of food hygiene in 10 easy-to-follow rules.

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What Is Due Diligence In Food Safety?

What is due diligence in food safety? ‘Due diligence’ is a term used legally and informally to refer to the basic practices one should undertake to reduce risks and prevent harm. If you show to have followed due processes and have been diligent with your approach to risks, then your actions will be viewed favourably from the perspective of Health and Safety Officials should something go wrong.

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Food Safety: Fridge Storage & Maintenance

Running a food business might seem simple from the surface, but there are so many aspects to consider to ensure you comply with Food Standards. A big part of this is kitchen equipment. Fridges are essential to keeping foodstuffs safe, and reduce the change of cross-contamination, but do you know how to properly organise one?

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Is Asbestos Awareness Training Mandatory?

If you work in construction, property development or are looking to deal with asbestos in your home, you might have encountered signs of asbestos throughout the property. If this is the case, you are right to show concern. Asbestos is a dangerous substance. So, why is asbestos dangerous, who needs asbestos training?

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Asbestos Regulations: Everything You Need To Know

Asbestos is a building material which was outlawed by UK regulators after researchers and medical officials found that those who worked with it later became seriously ill.  What was first called ‘the world's most wonderful mineral’ later caused mass public harm and, despite its incredibly useful properties, is now synonymous with a long list of respiratory illnesses and cancers. 

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Why Was Asbestos Banned in the UK?

Asbestos is a natural silicate material that has been used by humans for over 4000 years. Its natural fibrous property leads it to be an incredible insulator and fire retardant when used as a building material. Due to these 2 properties, asbestos was used in roofing, piping, sewage systems and floor tiles. It was considered a wonder material due to its ability to fortify concrete, whilst being cheap to produce and easy to apply, where needed, in multiple ways. 

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What Are The Food Hygiene Ratings & What Do They Mean?

If you’ve ever worked in an establishment that serves food or you eat out often, you’ll have noticed the colourful sticker displayed in the front window that has been issued by the Food Standard Agency. This sticker says ‘Food Hygiene Rating’ and has a circled number ranging from 0 - 5. You might be wondering what these stickers indicate, who they are issued by, and what can be done to improve these ratings. Find out more with HSEDocs. 

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Chopping Board Colours: Your Complete Guide

Visit any commercial kitchen or catering equipment store and you’ll see a rainbow of chopping boards. But what do the different colours mean? In this article, our experts explain how the colours of chopping boards help to reduce cross-contamination risk, and what each of the colours are used for. 

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