M&E employee handbook

As a company expands and takes on more staff or sub-contractors for specific projects, the closeness and camaraderie between the original team members may only sometimes carry over to the newcomers. While the original members have built the company together and established a strong bond of friendship, newer staff members may have had different experiences and may view their role as simply working for an already established company. This can sometimes create a disconnect between the various groups within the company and require additional efforts to foster a sense of unity and collaboration among all team members.

Many companies might think an employee handbook is unnecessary as this is the first time they have had one before, and they have been functioning well without it. However, we strongly recommend downloading and reading this free document. By researching the internet, you will soon realise the numerous benefits and advantages of having an employee handbook. It can provide guidelines and policies that help to maintain a positive work environment, increase employee satisfaction, and improve overall productivity. It also serves as a legal document that can protect the employer and the employees in any disputes or conflicts. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consider having an employee handbook for your organisation.

The document we're referring to comprehensively represents your company's health and safety policy. Its primary objective is to ensure that all staff members understand and acknowledge your organisation's terms and conditions, working conditions, policies, and practices. It is a binding agreement between the company and its employees, outlining all the necessary details about their safety, security, and well-being while on the job.

Each employee signs to accept what your company stands for regarding health and safety, equality and diversity, working in confined spaces, drug and alcohol policies, etc…. The list is as long as your company's health and safety policy.

The full table of contents for the M&E Employee Handbook is listed towards the bottom of this page so you can see all the covered areas. Getting your staff to sign and agree to this protects yourself and your company.

The front page of our employee handbooks for M&E companies contains the following text:

  • Upon receipt of this handbook, employees must familiarise themselves with its content and follow the guidelines to comply with Our safe working practices.
  • If any part of this document is unclear, the reader should contact a manager or supervisor who can clarify the issue and offer further explanation.
  • Once an employee has read and understood this handbook, they should complete and hand the acceptance form to a manager or supervisor.
  • The acceptance form will remain in the relevant personnel file for the duration of employment.

The rear cover of the handbook contains the employee acceptance form, which is listed below:

  • Employee health and safety handbook
  • Acceptance form
  • By signing this acceptance form, you agree that you have familiarised yourself with the content of this employee health and safety handbook and agree to follow the guidelines set out to comply with Our safe working practices.
  • Please date, sign, and print your name below. Then, hand this acceptance form to your supervisor or manager, where it will be placed and remain in your personnel file for the duration of your employment.
  • Date ____________________
  • Print Name _______________
  • Signature ________________

    The table of contents for the M&E employee handbook is listed below, and as you can see, it is comprehensive. Once an employee has signed the acceptance form, they have agreed to your T&Cs, to work in accordance with your H&S Policy, your Equal Opportunities Policy, to the employee's responsibilities as set out in section 2.02, the alcohol and drugs policy as set out in section 3.03, and much more.

    Without an employee handbook, any disciplinary action can be disputed and challenged because employment contracts don't list the specifics contained within this handbook.

    Employers should give their staff an employee handbook to protect themselves and tell them what they expect. If you run a company without issuing company handbooks, buy this one today. They're an essential part of employing people.

    As with all our documents, this employee handbook is in Word™ format and is available for instant download.


    1 Policy Statements

    1.01    Health and Safety Policy Statement
    1.02    Risk assessment policy statement
    1.03    Environmental policy statement
    1.04    Equal Opportunities Policy Statement

    2 Organisation

    2.01    Safety management structure
    2.02    Employers responsibilities
    2.03    Employees responsibilities
    2.04    Information for employees
    2.05    Designated responsibilities

    3 Safe working practices

    3.01     Accident reporting procedure
    3.02     Alcohol and drugs
    3.03     CDM (Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015)
    3.04     Confined Spaces
    3.05     COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health)
    3.06     Damaging knee (from kneeling)        
    3.07     Desk work. Musculoskeletal injuries and posture fatigue
    3.08     Desk work. RSI (Repetitive strain injuries)
    3.09     Disciplinary rules
    3.10     DSE (Display screen equipment)
    3.11     Electrical installations
    3.12     Electricity
    3.13     Falls from heights (hop-ups)
    3.14     Falls from heights (Kick step)
    3.15     Falls from heights (Step ladder)
    3.16     Fire/explosion
    3.17     First aid procedures
    3.18     Hand-arm vibration
    3.19     Manual handling
    3.20     Noise
    3.21     Objects fall from height
    3.22     Office equipment
    3.23     Permits to work
    3.24     PPE (Personal protective equipment)
    3.25     RSI (Repetitive strain injuries)
    3.26     Safety signs
    3.27     Slip, trips and falls
    3.28     Struck by objects
    3.29     Training
    3.30     Vehicles
    3.31     Waste management
    3.32     Welfare facilities
    3.33     Work equipment
    3.34     Working at height
    3.35     Young persons



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  • UK & EU Compliant

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