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Basic Food Hygiene Level 2

Basic food hygiene is such a critical aspect of public health and safety as it’s there to protect customers and consumers by preventing food poisoning, sickness and disease.  The basic level 2 food hygiene course is for people who handle and prepare food and plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with the required knowledge, skills and proficiency to adhere to hygienic practices in the food industry.

The HSEDocs online level 2 training course, like many others is a no fail course. Our objective is to ensure you have and remember the knowledge and awareness that makes you a safe worker in the food industry environment. Should you fail any module, you have completely free access to view the entire module again, and again, and again…. Our certification system is not an exam-based scoring system where you are graded by ability and content. It’s a pass or fail system, and if you fail any part of the course you continue to retake it until you pass. It’s the same way that children learn their A B C’s. No teacher would fail a child or kick them out of class if they couldn’t remember the alphabet after a lesson. It’s all about repetition and what’s really crucial is memorable repetition, so that if I ever eat at your restaurant, I know I’ll be safe.