Accredited Online Health and Safety Training Courses

Scroll down to book one of HSEDocs online health and safety training courses today and benefit from same-day certification

At £9.99 for individual HSE courses, £6.49 when you buy 10 or more, and just £4.99 for bulk orders of 50 or over, you'll be hard-pressed to find better value for money.

They also offer some unique benefits, including:
  • 24/7 accessibility to your HSE health and safety course
  • Access your HSE course from any device, including mobile phones and tablets.
  • Join the other 85% of first-time pass-rate candidates.
  • HSE health and safety courses can be completed in a couple of hours.
  • If you fail any of the HSE modules, you will be given unlimited free resits.
  • The HSE courses adhere to national training guidelines and are accredited by EHO’s.
  • After your health and safety course, you will receive a certificate of training that is available for immediate download.
  • Where applicable, your health and safety certificate will be recognised by local authorities, major employers, and OTAVS.

Get in touch with our friendly team at HSE Docs today if you need assistance with choosing the right health and safety course for your team, or require further information.

Please remember that we are only a phone call away if you need us and that we are here to help. Thanks for choosing HSE Docs for your training and good luck.

A sample of some customers we're proud to train

Asbestos Awareness

Prices from £4.99

Become asbestos aware with this health and safety course. Book our online Asbestos Awareness online training course today from just £4.99. This eLearning course teaches essential facts and has four distinct and purposeful objectives: To show how microscopic asbestos fibres can be. To explain some diseases and death rates caused by inhaling asbestos fibres. To make candidates aware that asbestos is a banned substance. To give a detailed pictorial selection of everyday asbestos-containing products people may find in the workplace.

Display Screen Awareness

Prices from £4.99

Book our HSE online topical health training course today from just £4.99. Comprehensive eLearning training that focuses on correct posture and workspace layout and how poor display screen equipment techniques can cause back, neck, upper and lower limb complaints. The effects of screen glare, display settings, workspace lighting, and control measures for safe DSE use.

Equality and Diversity

Prices from £4.99

Allow your company to be recognised as a fair and inclusive organisation. Book our online Equality and Diversity online training course today from just £4.99. Indispensable eLearning training for our diverse workplace, helping candidates understand and recognise different types of discrimination and the importance of tolerance, diversity, and understanding and explaining the 2010 Equality Act, the four main types of discrimination and their subclasses, including associative discrimination, perceptive discrimination, and third-party harassment.

First Aid Basics

Prices from £4.99

Learn first aid fundamentals and become an essential first aider at work. Book this First Aid at Work online training course today from just £4.99. A vital eLearning course that teaches candidates the correct way to carry out the initial assessment of a casualty or incident. This First Aid at Work course teaches the basic skills a first aider needs at work and is designed to show people the importance of thinking and assessing so they can offer the best help to a casualty. It illustrates how to administer CPR and when and how to use the recovery position, as well as instructing on how to apply dressings and treat secondary injuries.

Food Safety Level 1

Prices from £4.99

Get recognised as a certified food handler. Book our online Food Hygiene online training course today from just £4.99. This fundamental eLearning training is a legal requirement for those serving pre-packaged foods or working in customer-facing roles that only require handling pre-prepared food. Level one food hygiene suits individuals in these or comparable positions: Check out workers, kitchen porters, stock replenishment teams, servers, and warehouse operators. Teaching candidates to understand best practices when handling foods, identifying food hygiene hazards and implementing control measures, covering topics such as safe storage and cooking temperatures, personal and workstation hygiene, food contamination and food poisoning, waste management, pest control, and safe working environments.

Food Safety Level 2

Prices from £4.99

Get recognised as a certified food handler. Book our online Food Hygiene online training course today from just £4.99. This fundamental eLearning training is a legal requirement for all people who cook, prepare or handle food for the retail or hospitality sectors. Teaching candidates to understand best practices when handling foods, identifying food hygiene hazards and implementing control measures, covering topics such as safe storage and cooking temperatures, personal and workstation hygiene, food contamination and food poisoning, waste management, pest control, and safe working environments.

Food Safety Level 3

Prices from £4.99

Get recognised as a certified food manager. Book our online Level 3 Food Safety training course today from just £4.99. This fundamental eLearning training is legally required for all people who manage food premises for retail, charity or hospitality sectors. We are teaching candidates to understand best practices when handling foods, being able to identify food hygiene hazards and implement control measures, covering topics such as safe storage and cooking temperatures, personal and work station hygiene, HACCP, food management, food contamination and food poisoning, waste management, pest control, and safe working environments.

Manual Handling

Prices from £4.99

Gain your HSEDocs Manual Handling certification by booking our Manual Handling online training course today from just £4.99. A great eLearning course focusing on the importance of correct manual handling and lifting techniques as well as the risks and hazards associated with manual handling and a basic outline of The Manual Handling Operations Regulations.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Prices from £4.99

Ensure your health and safety certified today. Book our slips, trips, and falls online training course today from just £4.99. Essential eLearning training as over 30% of all reported workplace injuries is a direct consequence of a slip, trip, or fall. This training focuses on hazard prevention and teaches the difference between an environmental hazard and a personal hazard. It lets candidates know their responsibilities and the benefits they bring.

Working at Height

Prices from £4.99

Ensure your employers are hazard-aware with this health and safety course. Book this online Working at Height online training course today from just £4.99. With falls from height topping the fatality list of accidents at work, this eLearning course is essential for accident prevention training. It teaches candidates how to work safely and gives employees a broad understanding of the importance of safe working practices and current legislation. It covers essential awareness duties, the fundamental knowledge of risk assessment and control measures, and teaching candidates statistics from accidents involving working at height.

Contact Us

If you need help selecting a health and safety course or if you need more information, please contact the team at HSE Docs. We will be happy to help.

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