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Manual Handling. It’s Not Just About Lifting Boxes


In the past, manual handling training in a traditional classroom setting often involved candidates demonstrating the proper way to lift a box to obtain their manual handling certificate. However, this approach led to overconfidence and a false belief in candidates that they were fully trained in physical manual handling techniques.

Manual handling involves a wide range of tasks such as pushing, pulling, carrying, lifting, lowering, passing, bending, twisting, and stretching, including lifting boxes. It's not possible to cover every physical example of every manual handling test in a single exercise. For instance, showing someone how to push a box along the floor is different from moving a wheelbarrow on uneven ground or mowing a lawn.

Consequently, health and safety now dictate that manual handling training should consist of classroom or online training, which focuses on how the body works, accident and injury rates, etc..… and workplace training, which consists of individuals being shown or told the correct way to handle objects relevant to the worker's tasks and environment at their workplace.



Recognising the vast array of manual handling activities is crucial in understanding the scope of potential risks and the measures necessary to mitigate them. The range of manual handling tasks is vast, encompassing lifting and moving objects and extending to pushing, pulling, and stabilising different loads.

Each task presents challenges and requires a distinct approach to minimise risk and enhance efficiency. For example, moving a trolley filled with goods differs from the manual handling or repositioning of a patient in a healthcare setting.

Moreover, manual handling isn't limited to physically moving items; it also includes tasks that involve holding items in a static position, twisting, or bending while handling loads. The nature of the item, whether bulky, heavy or awkwardly shaped, adds another layer of complexity to manual handling tasks.

These activities are present across various sectors, from construction sites where materials must be regularly moved to office environments where reorganising workspace or handling deliveries are common occurrences.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 is key starting piece of legislation that employers must observe and states that it’s purpose is to explain how to avoid, assess and reduce the risk of injury from manual handling.