Working at Heights Online Course

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Course last updated:June 2024

Minimise risks in the workplace with our Working at Heights Online Course

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Our comprehensive online course on working at heights is theoretical and practical. It's designed to help individuals understand and implement the national safety standards for working at heights. Through this course, candidates will not only gain knowledge but also learn how to plan, select, and effectively use the appropriate equipment for working at heights. This practical approach will enable them to work safely and confidently at elevated heights while also ensuring the safety of those around them.

Our courses offer unbeatable value, starting at just £9.99 for an individual course. If you want to purchase ten or more courses, the price drops to £6.49 per course. And if you need even more courses, bulk orders of 50 or over are available for just £4.99 per course. You won't find a better deal anywhere else!

Course duration: Between 2 and 2 ½ hrs depending on learning speed.

Course format: Three video training modules, with a multiple-choice section at the end of each module.

On completion your training certificate is valid for three years and is internationally recognised.

All training certificates can be verified by employers or others to prove that they are genuine, by clicking Validate a Certificate and typing in the certificate number.

Working at Heights Online Course Overview

It is a common misconception that modern access equipment eliminates any risks associated with working at height. However, this is far from the truth. High-level work can be extremely hazardous if not done correctly. That's why this training program has been designed to educate candidates about the potential dangers of working at height and teach them how to work safely by selecting and using the appropriate access equipment for each unique task. By completing this training, candidates will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to mitigate risks and ensure their safety and those around them.

  • This online working at Height course gives employees a broad understanding of the importance of safe working practices and current legislation.
  • It covers the essential awareness, duties and reasons for the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
  • It will give employees a good understanding of the Working at Height Regulations 2005.
  • Candidates will learn the fundamental knowledge of risk assessment and control measures.
  • It will provide employees with an outline understanding of The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.
  • This online training conveys the bedrock principles of The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.
  • It evaluates the importance of choosing the correct access equipment, knowing safe working limits and the basic checks to carry out before use.
  • It teaches candidates the statistics from accidents when something goes wrong.

Our Working at Height Training Course is designed to provide learners with comprehensive knowledge and support to work safely at heights. It comprises of three modules in the form of videos, each followed by a multiple-choice questionnaire. Candidates must score over 85% in each multiple-choice section to proceed to the next module. If they fail to pass a module, they can watch the video again and retake the test to ensure they completely understand the material.

At HSEDocs, we are committed to creating health and safety courses that cater to learners of all abilities. We understand that online training can be challenging, especially for learners who are not fluent in English. Therefore, we have designed our courses to be easy to understand and accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. We aim to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and support to continuously learn by watching the video until they can pass the relevant multiple-choice section.

We take various considerations while delivering our online Working at Height course, ensuring it is easy to follow and understand. We clearly and concisely explain all concepts and visual aids to enhance the learning experience. Our courses are designed to be interactive, engaging, and informative, with a strong focus on ensuring learners can apply the knowledge they have gained in their workplace.

Our online training courses have the following features:

  • The text is easy to read with black font on a light background and good contrast to make it accessible to people with visual or colour blindness.
  • The narration is in sync with the text so that people whose first language isn't English don't struggle with two different contents.
  • There are three different narrators for each module to encourage learner engagement and memory retention.
  • Animated characters are used as teachers to avoid discrimination or negative stereotypes based on racial or socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • The online training content is concise, to the point, and delivered with a slow and clear narrative.
  • The content should reflect the legal training requirements and learning needs of the students and should be current and up-to-date with references to current legislation.
  • An intuitive learning assessment with relevant questions and multiple-choice answers is provided at the end of each training module.
  • The learners can re-watch any learning module repeatedly.
  • A certificate is available for instant download on successful course completion.

Access equipment is often required when performing tasks such as changing a light bulb, standing on a hop-up, or working on a scaffold. These tasks are all categorised as working at height, not just the measured distance a person is from a floor. The working-at-height regulations consider the potential risk of injury if someone falls from a significant height. Therefore, regardless of the distance, if there is a risk of personal injury due to falling, it's considered working at height.

Most, if not all, of the fatalities and 40,000 injuries caused by people falling from heights in the workplace each year could have been avoided. Our online training focuses on instilling essential knowledge that can help prevent accidents by minimising risks through good planning and proactive approaches.

It is crucial for individuals engaged in jobs that involve working at elevated heights to have the proper knowledge and skills to ensure their safety. This course provides an invaluable tool for such individuals, equipping them with the knowledge to confidently and safely undertake their work at heights.

Our online working at heights course teaches the importance of thinking through and assessing situations before carrying out tasks.

  • It's not just designed to meet employer's legal requirements but to brief people on what happens when things go wrong and how to avoid bad practices.
  • Special attention is given to the planning, risk and control measures of any task that involves work at height.
  • Our training course will help you consider environmental factors such as lighting and ground conditions when planning work.
  • Our course will teach you about safe use of ladders and step ladders.

The importance of learning how to work at a height safely can't be stressed enough. It’s the biggest killer in the workplace, yet it could be avoided if people followed the steps in this course to plan and work safely.

Our Working at Heights online course aims to show candidates what steps must be addressed before work is carried out, and only if work at a height can’t be avoided.

It will instruct employees to consider work objectives, conduct a risk assessment, and plan a suitable method for safely completing a task, considering all elements that may pose risks.

The course shows how to select equipment for protection and access and appropriate equipment for the nature of the work. It will also teach candidates to consider foreseeable loadings and safe passages that do not pose risks to workers or passers-by.

It will pay special attention to the correct and incorrect use of ladders and step ladders.

It's essential to be aware that falls from height are the leading cause of fatalities in the workplace, resulting in more than 35 deaths each year and over 40,000 non-fatal injuries. Our training course is designed to educate employees on the potential dangers of working at height and how to prevent accidents by following proper protocols, planning, and utilising appropriate access equipment.

By completing this training, employees will gain crucial knowledge of the current legislation and the reasons behind it, as well as the specific duties and responsibilities of independent workers, self-employed individuals, and those who oversee the work of others.

We highly encourage you to prioritise your staff's safety by allowing them to earn their working-at-heights certificate through our comprehensive, cost-effective training solution, available 24/7 on all major platforms. Don't wait; take action today to ensure a safer workplace for everyone.

The training course has been thoughtfully designed to provide a seamless learning experience. It consists of three comprehensive modules, each of which covers specific topics in great detail. At the end of each module, you will find a Q&A section that contains multiple-choice questions to help you assess your understanding of the material covered.

To progress to the next module, you need to achieve an 85% pass rate for each module. However, if you find it challenging to meet the required standard, there's no need to worry. You will be granted access to the course material until you are confident in your abilities to pass each module successfully.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive your training certificate instantly. It is a widely recognized certification that holds great value with local authorities and principal contractors alike.

Your working at height certificate is valid for three years.

mock certificate

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